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The Reading Date

Hello fellow book lovers! I'm Lucy and I blog about books, audiobooks and movies at The Reading Date. I'm testing the waters over here to see how it goes. What are you reading?

Obsidian (Lux Novel)

Obsidian - Jennifer L. Armentrout I never thought I would be caught up in a book about aliens, but Obsidian is very entertaining. It has just the right mix of mystery, adventure and danger with the Sci-Fi element. But Obsidian really soars due to the chemistry between Katy and Daemon. Their relationship is unusual because Daemon is such a jerk to her, moody, and condescending. But, Katy is no pushover and gives back as good as she gets. Daemon has his reasons for being distant, and can also be protective and caring – you just never know what you’re going to get with him.Katy is likeable and rolls well with the punches, especially in light of the crazy happenings in the town. She’s also a book blogger, so that was interesting reading about her participating in book blog memes and stalking her mailbox for books. She can’t help but fall for Daemon even though he infuriates her a lot of the time. She has a great new friendship with sweet Dee, and I hope to see more scenes with them in the next book.The writing flows nicely and I was caught up in the story right at the get-go. I appreciated the sharp dialogue and the witty banter in the book, and there were many humorous situations that kept me entertained. I’m not a huge Sci-Fi fan and in this book the alien aspects are not overpowering at all, but add an interesting element even for non-believers.This was my first read of 2012 and it was a great book to kick off the year with. Recommended if you like your paranormal books on the steamy side with a side of humor and a hint of danger. I’m on board with this fun series and will be picking up the sequel Onyx in May.