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The Reading Date

Hello fellow book lovers! I'm Lucy and I blog about books, audiobooks and movies at The Reading Date. I'm testing the waters over here to see how it goes. What are you reading?

The Wedding of Antanasia Jessica Packwood and Lucius Valeriu Vladescu (Jessica, #1.5)

The Wedding of Antanasia Jessica Packwood and Lucius Valeriu Vladescu (Jessica, #1.5) - Beth Fantaskey This ebook is available free to read on the author's website. It is a sweet follow up to the book Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side. After finishing that book, I was hoping there would be a sequel, but this was a pleasant surprise to find.Basically, as the title suggests this is all about the wedding of Jessica and Lucius. Planning the wedding, trying on dresses, rehearsal dinner, etc. Lots of wedding stuff! It does tie up some loose ends, and gives some closure to their friends and families. I missed Lucius and his comic relief, we don't get to see his perspective in this short follow up.But, it was nice to see the story wrapped up, and I think it was awesome for the author to write this novella for her readers!