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The Reading Date

Hello fellow book lovers! I'm Lucy and I blog about books, audiobooks and movies at The Reading Date. I'm testing the waters over here to see how it goes. What are you reading?

Blood Promise (Vampire Academy, Book 4)

Blood Promise - Richelle Mead I could not put down this book for the last 24 hours! Blood Promise does not disappoint - it is an addictive page turner that will leave you again wanting more. In this latest installment of the Vampire Academy series, Rose leaves the Academy & Lissa and sets out on her quest to find Dimitri. There are many unexpected twists and turns on her journey, and Rose is faced with difficult choices. We also meet some interesting new characters along the way.I really liked how the story was balanced with Rose's journey while also letting us see into the lives of Lissa, Adrian and Christian back at the Vampire Academy. I had meant to re-read Shadow Kiss as a refresher before reading Blood Promise. However, it was easy to fall back into the Vampire Academy world. Can't wait to read the next installment Spirit Bound in May.